Thursday, January 21, 2010

Credit Protection Fee What Is A Credit Card Protection Fee?

What is a credit card protection fee? - credit protection fee

I Chase Amazon credit card rewards. I am always surprised me, even if it never bothered me, because I almost always pay my credit card before I had time. If I do, Chase has a credit / charge added. The price depends on the size of my balance. A few days ago, when she had published my monthly invoice, a payment of $ 12.61. With this nominal fee was $ 0.11. However, I made that day and now I see that the sentence was reversed. Now I have a credit of 0.11 U.S. dollars. What is the level of protection?


Lauren F said...

You can accidentally (or purposely?) Registered in a program in which the payments on your credit card is canceled or forgiven, if they are not working, disabled, and some life events like the birth of a child. This is essentially insurance on credit, but are too expensive. They demand 89 cents per $ 100 balance, which one in your card (if so $ 12.61 x 0.0089 = $ 0.11). Not much on the scale of its small, but if you owe $ 6,000, which would be $ 53.40 per month, ouch (!)

I would say, and ensure that they are not enrolled in a protection program and will receive a confirmation number for cancellation, if you want.

I had an addition to one of my accounts at once by a representative of the company call center CC and it worked for me because I married the month and was one of those life events covered, so I made my payment this month. But that was pure coincidence. Often these measures are a scam and is much better to buy life insurance and disability insurance to protect your income as well CannOT work.

Jr said...

I read your question because I write in the answers that people were interested. I do not see why not call the 800 number from Amazon and Chase Card you ask? They are the answer to your question. I personally do not think protecting credit card. I did not buy product warranties. So far, so good, wiser use the money from me.

Mek said...

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Take time to visit, I hope this helps!
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